Was the Orlando Shooter Gay?

Hassanaly Ladha
1 min readJul 27, 2020

Emerging evidence suggests that the Orlando shooter may have been gay. If that is true, and if he was tortured by his sexuality— how much responsibility must we take, as Muslims and as Americans, for the failure to create a community and society in which he could be openly and happily gay, Muslim, and American? In such a world, could this attack have been prevented? 50 people would now be alive.

Those who do not actively support LGBT equality, whatever their faith or background, need to have a hard look in the mirror. And the standard isn’t merely to tolerate difference; it’s to cherish it. Only then can young people discover their sexuality safely, and all express it freely. Our politicians need to address this problem far more ambitiously.




Hassanaly Ladha

Hassanaly Ladha is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Connecticut.